Now that SWPS' Teacher Incentive Allotment application has been accepted, the district began to implement the system at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. The first year of system implementation is called the “Data Capture Year.” In alignment with the accepted System Application, the district conducts calibration exercises, analyzes data, administers student growth measures, and coordinates among departments to monitor data throughout the year.
Districts must implement the system in accordance with their System Application. By the end of the Data Capture Year, the district has appraised and collected student growth data for all teachers in TIA-eligible assignments, and optional data components if applicable. This data will be used to determine which teachers qualify for designation the following school year. Districts will submit teacher observation and student growth data, along with proposed teacher designations, to Texas Tech University (TTU) in the fall (2024) for data validation. Once TTU completes data validation, TEA will conduct a holistic system review prior to approving designation systems and teacher designations.