State of the Schools

In a monumental announcement, Southwest Public Schools has revealed a transformative change that reflects its commitment to academic excellence, global citizenship, and inclusive community values. The institution, formerly known as Discovery Middle School, is now officially rebranded as Southwest Public Schools Leadership and Global Studies Academy.

Accompanying this exciting change is the unveiling of a new crest, rich in symbolism and significance. The crest embodies our core values and aspirations for our students.

The new crest features three prominent symbols, each representing distinct aspects of the academy's mission and vision. At the heart of the design is a trophy, a timeless symbol of excellence and achievement. It embodies the academy's dedication to fostering a culture of excellence and empowering students to strive for their personal best in every endeavor.

Adjacent to the trophy lies a globe, a powerful representation of the academy's commitment to global citizenship and cultural diversity. It signifies the importance of understanding and appreciating diverse perspectives, cultures, and traditions in an increasingly interconnected world.

Completing the trio of symbols is a graduation cap, symbolizing academic excellence, lifelong learning, and educational achievement. It underscores the academy's focus on preparing middle school students for future success through rigorous academics, personalized learning experiences, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge.

A standout feature of the crest is the star icon nestled in the southwest corner, serving as a symbolic marker of Southwest Public Schools' mission and vision. Beyond its geographical connotation, the star embodies the pride of the institution, celebrating the diverse talents, backgrounds, and perspectives that enrich the school community.

Moreover, the star stands as a beacon of unity and inclusivity, reflecting the academy's unwavering commitment to creating a welcoming and supportive environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to succeed.

In announcing these changes, Southwest Public Schools reaffirms its dedication to providing students with a transformative educational experience—one that not only equips them with the skills and knowledge needed for academic success but also fosters the qualities of leadership, global citizenship, and inclusivity that are essential for navigating an ever-changing world.

As the Leadership and Global Studies Academy embarks on this new chapter, it does so with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism, guided by the belief that education has the power to shape lives, empower communities, and change the world for the better.